I’m a mom…and I feel like I’m a pretty good mom at that. I love my kids and get so much joy out of them in all aspects… playing games, making arts and crafts, reading stories together, playing hide and go seek…and playing paintball!
Oh my…I never realized how much I would enjoy playing paintball.
My first experience was exhilarating…although I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! As we walked in the lobby area to get our guns and gear, the testosterone level went up about 20 notches. There were groups of guys in camouflage, checking their ammo supply, strapping on extra rounds, wearing all the professional padding and gear…I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. I was the only mom out there. This was not looking good. I had a sinking suspicion that I was gonna get creamed.
However, being the only female on the field has its advantages too.
If my gun jammed, instantly I could get one of those hunk of a guys to come over and assist me by unclogging it …laying his life down for poor little me. I could play the ‘female trump card' and get them to give me more paintballs for my gun should I run out. I had lots of protection from my fellow paintball teammates surrounding me, since I was so precious...and fragile. And when my fellow teammates realized my which family members of mine were on the other team, they didn’t hesitate to help me take them out.
I got nailed quite a few times, but that was okay…it was all part of the game. I left looking like a piece of graffiti art. It was fabulous and can’t wait to go again with my kiddos.
Where did you go? Sounds so fantastic!