The story you are about to read is based on a true story. The characters are not actors.
About nine years ago, I had a newborn and 3 year old at home. Life was a little insane to say the least. Trying to manage the two, along with my ‘not-so-organized’ life had its moments. One of my bad habits was/is to drop my dirty clothes in the floor and let the dirty laundry pile up. (It's a work in progress... what can I say?)
One afternoon after being a lazy mother - watching soap operas, eating bon-bons, and shopping on QVC (NOT!) … I decide I should probably go to the grocery store before hubby got home. I had less than 30 minutes to go and get back. Nothing like waiting til the last minute.
Since I was still in my PJ's at 4:30 pm, I ran upstairs, found a pair of cut-off blue jean shorts from yesterday on the floor (still clean) and threw them on with a T-Shirt. I threw my hair up as I descended the stairs, then tucked the kids in their car seats, grabbed my purse, and dashed out the door to the store.
Now, most women don't feel too attractive after having kids... it's a baby fat issue... nothing is in the same place... and sometimes, well you get tired of looking in the mirror or...
you are just too damn tired from sleep deprivation to care.
I parked, got out and proceeded to go to the back car doors to unbuckle my babies. I notice these two young handsome guys staring at me. They had to be in their 20’s (which I was not). My ego immediately sky-rocketed. I start to think, “Man, I do still have it!” Knowing my legs and ‘back-side’ can be considered one of my best assets; I worked it as I unbuckle my babies. I grab the nearest shopping cart and load up the girls. The guys are still gawking and smiling.
So here I am...
Thinking to self: "Oh yeah, I got it! I'm hot, that's right! I still got it! Yeah Baby!" Strutting into the grocery store, kids in tow, a woman out of no where comes up to me… and frankly I was a bit annoyed that she was interrupting my shining moment! She says, “Excuse me ma’am… you have a pair of underwear stuck to the butt of your shorts…just thought I’d let you know before you walk in the grocery store.”
Talk about an ego deflator! I wanted to die! At this moment I’m standing in front of the sliding doors of the busiest grocery store in our area. There are (what felt like) hundreds of people going in and out of the store, probably all snickering. I casually reach behind me and grab the panties that are stuck to my butt and place them in my purse - chin up and smile as I stride on in to the grocery store!
Oh, and to think I thought I was oh so HOT! Put me in check real quick! LOL! And don't even ask how I handled paying for the groceries when the panties in my purse were exposed!
Sad to say that this moment is only one of many... but that's okay...
I enjoy laughing through life, it's good for the soul!
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